A conscious decision to look within
Finding the right human words to describe or define the word “Soul” can leave us entangled in various concepts and ideas, and it is not something that we learn intellectually but something that we experience inside ourselves. It has been named and shaped in many ways and forms throughout history. In essence, there is the pure Soul, the Spirit of God embodied in each human, animal, or plant, which is ever-existing, ever-conscious, formless, and spacious, an energetic bliss, also called Energy or Consciousness.
Mentions to “spiritual growth” or “soul evolution” use this definition, because the soul that is aware of its true nature as consciousness itself is already perfect.
"(2:24) The soul is never touched; it is immutable, all-pervading, calm, unshakable; its existence is eternal."
From The Bhagavad Gita, “Song of God,” Chapter 2, Verses 18 – 29
A trauma can be an emotional heavy stone or a simple teacher. A trauma can be defined as any significant negative event or incident that shaped us and generally are related to the physical pain body and ego identification with it, in which case one becomes incredibly limited because of the past. Suppressed emotions is another way of seeing unresolved trauma.
A profound effect happens when one consciously shifts the attention from concepts - external to complete focus on the energy below the upset - internal. Becoming aware and “catching” the energy swirls when they begin or even before they actually emerge, will weaken its power thus creating an internal peaceful and harmonious space.
In truth, there is another way to look at it, there are in fact other choices that can be made. During a life journey, we learn that our choices are the decision factor of our current reality. A useful choice is to decide to stop engaging with the mental constant noise about everything and simply abstain from comments, opinions, preferences, and value statements. Freeing oneself. Becoming truly non-reactive thus aware, observing.
Then one can clearly see the coming and going away of phenomena and the temporary nature of appearance, which in general is conceptualized as a repetitive sequence of cause and effect.